Fear of God lança t-shirts solidárias com a família de George Floyd


A Fear of God mudou o seu FG para um GF, e prepara um lançamento exclusivo numa admirável demonstração de solidariedade para com a família de George Floyd.

Num longo e sentido post no seu Instagram, Jerry Lorenzo escreveu sobre o impacto que a morte de Floyd às mãos da polícia teve sobre si e a sua família: “com um nó na garganta e um buraco na alma, abracei o meu pai de forma apertada. Sendo eu próprio um pai, o meu primeiro pensamento foi rezar por que este homem não tivesse filhos”.

Lorenzo reforçou depois a importância do exemplo paternal para a criação da Fear of God, e enfatizou que o seu trabalho é motivado por um amor intergeracional. E é a pensar na filha de George, Gianna Floyd, que o designer afirma que “podemos ajudar a preencher um pequeno vazio na sua vida, garantindo que há pelo menos uma coisa com que não terá de se preocupar”.

O resultado é uma edição limitada de t-shirts GF, com o suporte de várias marcas importantes do meio como a Awake, Pyer Moss, Denim Tears, NOAH ou OFF-WHITE, disponíveis a partir de amanhã no Instagram da Fear of God, com todo o dinheiro angariado a reverter para o Gianna Floyd Fund.

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our FG is a GF now… on may 25, 2020 when i learned of George Floyd’s death i was visiting my parents in northern california. after being locked up and quarantined for nearly 3 months, i wanted nothing more than to see my mother and father as a new perspective on life and the value of, was taking place in my heart… a random fact also, as we pulled into sacramento late saturday night at a gas station near my parents, a middle aged white woman said to me at the counter, “every time you guys walk in here w/ masks on, i think we’re about to get robbed.”… quickly reminded of my blackness, i was eerily comfortable back in the woods of northern california. where i’m no longer “jerry lorenzo” but just another black man… the same guy i’ve been my whole life… dealing w/ the same consistent themes… fast forward to the day we drove back home, we watched Mr. George Floyd get murdered in broad daylight… with a knot in my throat and hole in my soul, i hugged my father tightly… being a father, my first thought was i pray this man doesn’t have any kids… i’ve been able to build what we have with @fearofgod because i had a father lay the example of husband hood, father hood, and of living with integrity and character… i immediately thought, this man’s children have lost their covering, their example, their teacher… all that we do for @fearofgod is fueled by a generational love. a love to be an example to my children of what’s possible, a love to create an independent business that my children have the choice to one day carry on… George’s daughter Gianna will not have this choice… we can never become for her what was lost, but we can help fill a small hole in her life by providing one thing she may not have to worry about. as we did for my brother nipsey when he passed, we mourned for him and stood strong in support of the generation after him. standing with my friends, minority and small business owners, tmrw at 9am pst on @fearofgod ‘s instagram channel, we’ll be releasing limited GF tees, with all money raised going the Gianna Floyd Fund. George, you “changed the world” and your life is an example your daughter will forever look up to and be changed by.

Uma publicação partilhada por jerrylorenzo (@jerrylorenzo) a